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At Manor Hill First School, we offer comprehensive Phonics teaching from the beginning of your child’s journey with us. We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Programme alongside the Big Cat Little Wandle phonically decodable books.

In Reception and Year 1 children enjoy  three group reading sessions per week in line with our phonics scheme. They take home their book to celebrate their progress each week.

Starting in Year 2, children have a copy of a ‘Class Reader’ text, which supports their learning and the reading of this is guided by the teacher in enjoyable shared sessions. 

Each child from Year 2-4 has a one to one reading book closely matched to their reading ability, which is read with staff and brought home to practise.

Guided reading sessions,  peer reading sessions, daily ERIC time (Everybody Reading in Class) and explicit comprehension teaching in Key Stage 1 and 2 also support your child’s reading journey at Manor Hill.

We know that developing a love of reading is an essential part of reading success; therefore, we encourage children to take home ‘child choice books’ as well as their levelled text. 

Our Curriculum  places reading at the heart of everything we teach, we provide a range of texts to enrich and support knowledge and understanding. Our children know that Read Everything and Learn (REAL) Time is a core element of curriculum teaching and they respond enthusiastically to reading for a variety of purposes within each subject.

We regularly update and provide additional resources to complement our areas of study, ensure a rich variety of relevant books for children to freely access within their class libraries and our beautiful whole school library.

In our extensive grounds, you will also find plenty of spaces to enjoy reading, with the love of reading promoted in all areas of the school. 

At Manor Hill children join the   ‘REAL QUEST’ , please see the REAL QUEST page for more information on this.

We hold annual ‘Big Book Swaps’, celebrate World Book Day and provide access to Performing Arts opportunities, such as theatre trips and visiting performances, to show play scripts being bought to life.  

At three points during the year, we  present each child with a book of their own to grow their love of reading and enhance their reading resources at home.

We are a Dyslexia Friendly School and have a robust catch up programme in place, to support your child if required. We have access to a wide range of assessments and resources to support individual needs and maximise outcomes.

Manor HillFirst School
Contact Us
01785 812418Manor Hill First School[email protected]Manor Rise, Stone ST15 0HY
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust